I hope everyone had a great holiday! We sure did! Before I share all the Christmas pictures with you I want to show you some sneaks from the January kit at
Citrus Tree Studio!

This kit is beautiful! It goes on sale January 5th, so save the date!!!
Here are pics from Christmas day at Mom's house!

Mom and my stepdad Tim opening up the Wii we got them! Mom has seen that it's a Wii, Tim doesn't know yet...

They were so excited. Mom was mad at me for buying it but not for long! Hehehe ;) I think they are having a Wii party on NYE. Seriously. Haha!

Mom & Tim pushing Scott's present in the living room. We said it was Tim's. I bought him a big toolbox from Sears that he wanted soooo bad. I figured it would be obvious if I wrapped it and had it by our tree.

Scott's reaction when he found out it was his!


That's his mad face. A good mad though :)

Christmas Eve Pictures!

Yay! Got my pink laptop from Scott :) Please ignore our couch, I know it doesn't match. We need a new one!

Scott loves Family Guy & Monopoly. Perfect gift!

WOW!!! He bought me the Cricut!!! I can't believe I got a laptop AND the Cricut.

And 2 cartridges! He did so good! I also got the tool kit and mats! Who knew he could shop! Haha!

A camera bag, I LOVE it!

We had to have A Christmas Story on :)

He loves his new tools!

Can't believe he got this too. I had one a few years ago but sold it. It really works. I have been doing 100 exercises on it each night :) I'm hoping for a six pack, haha!

More tools!

I have no idea what I'm doing in this pic.

A new shelf for my scrapbook room!
We also got each other more Wii games and clothes!
Snickers, Rascal & Orangey received gifts from Santa :) I didn't get a pic of Orangey though :( I know, I'm a bad mom. He's living on our back porch still. I bring him in every so often to let the girls get used to him.

Snickers playing with her new toys!

Woops, another picture of Scott, hehe! More tools!

Rascal & her stocking!

That toy is super cute!
So, as you can see, we are all spoiled rotten :) Nothing wrong with that, right?!?!
On to more scrappy stuff!
I made these cards for the Posh

I am in love with this Crate Paper line. The colors are awesome!!!
Whew, sorry for the long post! Have a great day!