Sunday, July 12, 2009

Feels great to be back!!!

Ah...It's so good to be scrapbooking again!!! Due to this crazy ride we call Life, I have had to take a break from it. I have made the occasional card for a few family members. Other than that, I haven't been able to create like I have wanted to. Now, I have the time & space to start creating again!! Woohoo!!

My husband is so excited for me, it is so great to have a wonderful caring man like him in my life!!! We have been through so much in the past 2 years I really don't know what I would do without him!!!

The past few weeks have been crazy for us! We decided to go to Karaoke this past Friday night and had an awesome time! We really needed to have a date night :) We both love to sing, even though I can't carry a tune. He is a GREAT singer. Maybe one day he will make it big ;) I took some pics of him singing his little heart out, I can't wait to scrap them!

1 comment:

  1. thats so awesome that scott has a good voice!! I love to karaoke too. :)
    i so glad youre back and srapping, it's so exciting! :) I'm going to link you back up on my blog!
